God of fire, lava/magma, and heat
Many say fire is an element of life and death, and they are right, but it was created by a ferocious deity. Phoenix, the god of fire.
Phoenix was created by Zarus, the god of lightening. While Zarus focused upon the skies of ancient Earth, Phoenix sought to control the land. Covering the Earth with flames and lava, Phoenix found great power from this control... it wasn't until his brother, Nepmoon, was born. The two did not love each other, they loathed each other. Their differences id not mix and tensions between the two escalated until war began...
Phoenix lost the war, Nepmoon covered his world with water, extinguishing all he had worked so hard to create. Outraged, Phoenix swore that one day, he will destroy Nepmoon and reclaim his planet back. Phoenix created the Demon lands, a realm where he had control. Zarus, felt pity for his son though... without Nepmoon's knowledge, Zarus requested to Diu to create a friend for Phoenix, and Diu made "Ignis," and when the two immortals met, Phoenix surprisingly took a liking to Ignis.
Phoenix sought to expand his realm, Phoenix asked Ignis to deliver him any materials that were burning. And everytime someone caught on fire, Ignis would quickly take the materials and leave behind a trail of smoke to conceal him...
After many centuries, when the humans were born... Phoenix created a new animal, devil cats. He created them to enslave them, forcing them to work and expand his realm for him while Phoenix festered an eternal hatred to his brother. Devil cats were not the only things he created though... Phoenix created many more animals, such as zezoms. All forced to serve Phoenix.
Of course, these creatures he created were not mindless drones, the devil cats sought freedom, pairing up with zezoms, they made their escape from the hideous realm. Phoenix was outraged by this, and he needed more than one god to hold back these monsters. It wasn't until Phoenix heard of Medusa, the gorgon. Phoenix befriended Medusa and asked for several of her snake warriors, Medusa granted these warriors, but Phoenix knew how dear they were to her... So Phoenix waited for something to give her...
Phoenix created the Terror Fold from this request, Phoenix wanted and accepted the strongest only. One warrior, showed such strength, loyalty, and thirst for blood that he was given a name feared by many today... Kane, the tyrant. Kane served Phoenix with loyalty beyond compare, never surrendering, never losing... One day, Kane led a siege upon Nepmoon's home, Atlantis.
Kane, with his army of Terror Fold grunts and brutes, fought their way through all of Nepmoon's forces... Kane himself, dueled Nepmoon alone. A mere mortal, dueling a god like Nepmoon, was never heard of before, but Kane almost succeeded... almost...
Kane was slain in the duel, Nepmoon, left in scars and blood, drowned Kane. No matter how strong Kane was, how brave, and how cruel... nothing could stop Kane from such a fate... The Terror Fold, in fear, fled from Atlantis... only one relic was returned... Kane's helmet.
Phoenix could not believe Kane was killed. None thought Phoenix's hatred could grow any larger... but it somehow did...
Phoenix presented Medusa with the helmet of Kane, as a sign of gratitude. Kane's helmet was made of demon steel, only found in Phoenix's realm, an alloy that even bullets cannot dent. Medusa accepted this gift and altered the helmet so her serpent hair can go through it.
Phoenix, to this day, maintains the Demon lands... waiting for his army to become stronger, and one day... perhaps he can get what he wants... revenge.
Many say fire is an element of life and death, and they are right, but it was created by a ferocious deity. Phoenix, the god of fire.
Phoenix was created by Zarus, the god of lightening. While Zarus focused upon the skies of ancient Earth, Phoenix sought to control the land. Covering the Earth with flames and lava, Phoenix found great power from this control... it wasn't until his brother, Nepmoon, was born. The two did not love each other, they loathed each other. Their differences id not mix and tensions between the two escalated until war began...
Phoenix lost the war, Nepmoon covered his world with water, extinguishing all he had worked so hard to create. Outraged, Phoenix swore that one day, he will destroy Nepmoon and reclaim his planet back. Phoenix created the Demon lands, a realm where he had control. Zarus, felt pity for his son though... without Nepmoon's knowledge, Zarus requested to Diu to create a friend for Phoenix, and Diu made "Ignis," and when the two immortals met, Phoenix surprisingly took a liking to Ignis.
Phoenix sought to expand his realm, Phoenix asked Ignis to deliver him any materials that were burning. And everytime someone caught on fire, Ignis would quickly take the materials and leave behind a trail of smoke to conceal him...
After many centuries, when the humans were born... Phoenix created a new animal, devil cats. He created them to enslave them, forcing them to work and expand his realm for him while Phoenix festered an eternal hatred to his brother. Devil cats were not the only things he created though... Phoenix created many more animals, such as zezoms. All forced to serve Phoenix.
Of course, these creatures he created were not mindless drones, the devil cats sought freedom, pairing up with zezoms, they made their escape from the hideous realm. Phoenix was outraged by this, and he needed more than one god to hold back these monsters. It wasn't until Phoenix heard of Medusa, the gorgon. Phoenix befriended Medusa and asked for several of her snake warriors, Medusa granted these warriors, but Phoenix knew how dear they were to her... So Phoenix waited for something to give her...
Phoenix created the Terror Fold from this request, Phoenix wanted and accepted the strongest only. One warrior, showed such strength, loyalty, and thirst for blood that he was given a name feared by many today... Kane, the tyrant. Kane served Phoenix with loyalty beyond compare, never surrendering, never losing... One day, Kane led a siege upon Nepmoon's home, Atlantis.
Kane, with his army of Terror Fold grunts and brutes, fought their way through all of Nepmoon's forces... Kane himself, dueled Nepmoon alone. A mere mortal, dueling a god like Nepmoon, was never heard of before, but Kane almost succeeded... almost...
Kane was slain in the duel, Nepmoon, left in scars and blood, drowned Kane. No matter how strong Kane was, how brave, and how cruel... nothing could stop Kane from such a fate... The Terror Fold, in fear, fled from Atlantis... only one relic was returned... Kane's helmet.
Phoenix could not believe Kane was killed. None thought Phoenix's hatred could grow any larger... but it somehow did...
Phoenix presented Medusa with the helmet of Kane, as a sign of gratitude. Kane's helmet was made of demon steel, only found in Phoenix's realm, an alloy that even bullets cannot dent. Medusa accepted this gift and altered the helmet so her serpent hair can go through it.
Phoenix, to this day, maintains the Demon lands... waiting for his army to become stronger, and one day... perhaps he can get what he wants... revenge.