Devil cat conversion
Many devil cats are born like any other animal, from mating. But some wolves also wanted to become devil cats.
Some wolves wish to turn devil cat for power, devil cats are a lot more powerful then wolves. For wolves, their teeth is a blunt club compared to the sharpness of the devil cat fangs. Remember, devil cat fangs can pierce through thick armor.
Whatever reason it may be, some wolves that turn into devil cats show grey, tan, or other colors a wolf would normally have then a devil cat.
When a wolf wants to be converted, they are sent to Pheonix.
Pheonix will first make them say an oath, then, once Pheonix turns the wolf into a devil cat, the devil cat will not be enslaved amongst the rest of the devil cats (unless they're blue highborns) they are free to go.
Devil cat conversion
Many devil cats are born like any other animal, from mating. But some wolves also wanted to become devil cats.
Some wolves wish to turn devil cat for power, devil cats are a lot more powerful then wolves. For wolves, their teeth is a blunt club compared to the sharpness of the devil cat fangs. Remember, devil cat fangs can pierce through thick armor.
Whatever reason it may be, some wolves that turn into devil cats show grey, tan, or other colors a wolf would normally have then a devil cat.
When a wolf wants to be converted, they are sent to Pheonix.
Pheonix will first make them say an oath, then, once Pheonix turns the wolf into a devil cat, the devil cat will not be enslaved amongst the rest of the devil cats (unless they're blue highborns) they are free to go.