Blue highborn wolves
The beautiful blue highborns are wolves with blue fur. The first blue highborn was the goddess of frost, Moonzere. Who was mates with Nepmoon.
Blue highborns are blessed with long life, able to live up to 36 years.
The blue highborn wolves are very rare. Wolves must undergo major trials to reach longer life. It may not sound so bad if only there were no risk of dying.
To become a blue highborn, a wolf must draw close to the water, and beg to Nepmoon for longer life.This sometimes can or cannot work. But if it does work, Nepmoon will reach his paw to the wolf and draw him into the water.
The wolf must be strong and survive the descent. The wolf must hold their breath long enough to survive. If they do survive, their fur will become blue, and they become a blue highborn. They will then be put back to land and blessed with their long life.